Only the best


We recognise that coaches play a pivotal part in players’ potential to be the best they can be. At Future Lions we have everything you need to manage your own successful sports team. At Future Lions only the best is good enough and we strive to be the best in everything we do and help everyone we work with be the best they can be.

We provide coaches with the support, expertise, training and software to enable them to develop and fulfil their coaching potential.
The Future Lions App provides everything needed to deliver a successful football business and manage your own team.

From managing the day to day club commitments, to communicating with players while helping to deliver world class training sessions every time. Our software system guarantees age and level appropriate premier professional training is consistently delivered.

If you are passionate about football and want to take your team to the next level you can trust Future Lions to help you succeed.

All coaches follow our certified training modules by using our proprietary coaching portal. The Future Lions system ensures world-class training is delivered consistently across all levels and with all coaches.

Future Lions Coach Improvement

So How Does the Software Support Coaches?

Currently there is a very clear breakdown between coaches achieving certifications such as Fa Level 1, Uefa A and what they subsequently deliver at their academy. The Future Lions system ensures world-class training is delivered consistently across all levels and with all coaches.

It guarantees coaches deliver age appropriate and level appropriate training every single time. This in turn gives Academy directors and parents confidence that their players achieve the highest level they are capable of within the game.

Coaches will love using the tool as it enables them to plan sessions within minutes rather than hours. It offers the recognised best training plans from across the world. All their paperwork is stored on the system and is easily retrievable. They can alter and amend sessions, store favourite sessions or suggest new ones to the forum.

They can even plan their whole season’s sessions in one foul swoop. This tool really is the complete tool for any coach. We are confident that no other tool exists worldwide that offers this full range of features in one easy to reach place.

This comprehensive tool really is ideal for any coach at any level.